The Psalmist says "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1)
What is that secret place?
For me, it is that place where I can place my head on the Lord's bossom, and be myself.
It is the place where I can tell Him things that are meant only for his ears.
It is that place where He can tell me what He wants of me, and I can say "Yes".
There are no pretensions in this place, because He knows me and everything about me.
He knows about the times when I have exceeded expecteations; and the times when I have failed, (sometimes woefully).
In that secret place, I can confess my failings without fear of condemnation. However, I do get admonished lots of times.
Sometimes in the secret place, He gives me tasks and even attaches deadlines to them.
Being in the secret place does not mean immunity from trouble; but that in the multitude of the anxieties around me, His comforts will delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19)
As we prepare for the holiday season, let us all try to spend time in 'the secret place.'